*AVAILABLE NOW: New Personalized Hand-Embroidered Swaddle Kits! If you don’t feel like purchasing everything separately, I’ve created a kit, just for you! This includes everything you need including your choice of swaddle and thread plus a personalized piece of stabilizer in your choice of font! Click here to shop: https://www.southernsewingco.com/product-page/hand-embroidered-swaddle-kit
Hey, Everyone!
This week I wanted to share a quick tutorial on how I make these adorable personalized swaddles. If you're looking for a thoughtful gift that is easy and inexpensive, then look no further! I'm going to jump right into it-
NEW RESOURCE UPDATE: I've taken your most-asked questions about this tutorial and put them all into one blog post! Find them here.
Supplies Needed:
Swaddle Blanket (more on this below)- Sugar House Swaddle or Amazon
Water Soluble Stabilizer for Embroidery- this brand has been my favorite! This size roll can be used for many, many projects. It's also toxin-free and safe for babies!
Embroidery Hoop (10")- Amazon has sets of these for very cheap that work great for a variety of projects. I used the 10" in this project.
Embroidery floss- I usually purchase bundle packs online like this one. I used 2 little skeins for my size name.
Looking for everything in once place? New Hand-Embroidered Swaddle Kits are available! Click here.
*A note on the stabilizer- this part is really the key to making these swaddles look so great! I've made them without the stabilizer and it just doesn't turn out as well.
More on the blankets: Double gauze is soft, snuggly, and great for swaddles! While this tutorial will work for any type of swaddle blanket, you can purchase double gauze material, hem the edges and now you have a swaddle! A little cheat that I've found- buy an already-made swaddle (which is what I always do) and embroider it. I purchase all of my swaddles from Sugar House Swaddles- they're fantastic quality, big (47"x 47"), come in a variety of modern colors, and are inexpensive. I can't buy the fabric and make it for this price, so I purchase it from them. And no... I do not get paid to advertise for them...I just think they're that great! Amazon also has many great swaddles that are 100% organic muslin cotton and inexpensive. Here is one that I love. Moving on-
More on my fonts used:
I wish I could take credit for the beautiful handwriting! I do use Canva to create names for my swaddles and personalized quilts! Raegan's quilt was made using the 'Harmonie' font.
The How-To:
Determine the size of the name you'd like on the blanket. Generally, I'm creating a name that is just big enough to fit inside my hoop, but not so big that I have to reposition it mid-way through. Cut out a piece of stabilizer that is big enough to fit inside the frame and hang over the edges (photo below). With your marking pen, draw or trace the name you'd like on the water-soluble stabilizer.
Pick the corner you'd like to embroider. Fold that corner in half by bringing the two edge sides together, creating a point towards the corner. Iron a crease here for a center-point reference.
Place the stabilizer on top of the swaddle and hoop both layers. Gently pull both layers through the sides of the hoop so it's tight, but not overly stretched. Your center point can still be seen from the backside. Keep referencing this as you pull the fabric carefully on each side to ensure that the center point remains in the middle of the hoop. Here you can see my stabilizer and swaddle are securely hooped:

4. Begin chain stitching over your drawn lines. (Quick chain stitch tutorial can be found here). For reference, I'm using all 6 strands of the embroidery floss. Try not to pull too tight as you create your stitch.

5. Once finished, unhoop and VERY carefully cut away any excess stabilizer. Take care not to accidentally cut through the swaddle (speaking from experience), or pull the stitches too tight (also speaking from experience).
6. Soak the swaddle in warm water, gently rubbing around the stitches. Rinse well. Carefully ring out the blanket, then gently dry or hang to dry.
The end result is well worth the stitching!

Pair it with these adorable cards pictured, and a teether, and your baby-shower-winning gift is complete! Tag me on Instagram @southernsewingcompany so I can see your beautiful creations! Love the idea but don't have the time? Contact me to personalize one for you! Have questions? Find my newest blog post here about this that answers all of your questions!